Hear from Experts [Video]

During the Citizens' Discussion on April 28th, 2012 Anne Arundel County residents posed questions to science and policy experts about the impacts and policy implications of coastal flooding and sea-level rise. See the list of questions below to take you to short video takes of their answers. For more information about the experts and moderators, see their short biographies.
Science of Sea Level Rise

Is Sea Level Rise Real?

Don Boesch discusses the science and technology of measuring present sea levels and reconstructing those from the past, and how the data contribute to our understanding of current sea-level rise trends.

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Sea Level Rise, Natural vs. Man-made

Don Boesch describes evidence for human influence on global sea-level rise, and the multiple mechanisms at work.

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

How Will Sea Level Rise Affect the Eastern Shore of Maryland?

Zoe Johnson explains there will be significant changes to the landscape of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, including shoreline erosion and loss of tidal wetlands.

Zoe Johnson, Program Manager, Climate Change Policy,
Maryland Department of Natural Resources

What Can Be Done about Subsiding Land?

Don Boesch talks about why the land is sinking -- or subsiding -- in the region.

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

How Conclusive Is the Science?

Don Boesch explains the scientific evidence for global warming.

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Policy Approaches

What Sea-Level Rise Strategies Are Communities Using?

Jessica Grannis, Zoe Johnson and Frank Biba discuss what strategies communities are employing on sea-level rise and coastal flooding.

Prof. Jessica Grannis, Attorney, Georgetown Climate Center and Georgetown University Law Center

Zoe Johnson, Program Manager, Climate Change Policy,
Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Frank Biba, Chief of Environmental Programs,
City of Annapolis, Maryland

Prof. Dan Nataf, Political Science Department;
Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues,
Anne Arundel Community College

What Is the Time Frame for Taking Action?

Frank Biba and Jessica Grannis describe what types of actions governments can take both in the near term and longer time frames. Don Boesch explains the implications of sea-level rise acceleration for when policy decisions need to be made.

Frank Biba, Chief of Environmental Programs,
City of Annapolis, Maryland

Prof. Jessica Grannis, Attorney, Georgetown Climate Center and Georgetown University Law Center

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Prof. Dan Nataf, Political Science Department;
Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues,
Anne Arundel Community College

Why Not Dam the Mouth of the Chesapeake Bay?

Don Boesch discusses how other countries have dealt with coastal flooding and whether damming the Chesapeake Bay could protect against sea-level rise impacts.

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Will Local Governments Help Protect Private Property Owners?

Moderator Dan Nataf asks panel members Frank Biba and Zoe Johnson whether local governments will help protect private property owners from the effects of sea-level rise and coastal flooding, and what property owners can do to get involved.

Frank Biba, Chief of Environmental Programs,
City of Annapolis, Maryland

Zoe Johnson, Program Manager, Climate Change Policy,
Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Prof. Dan Nataf, Political Science Department;
Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues,
Anne Arundel Community College

How Can the Public Become Involved?

Moderator Dan Nataf asks Frank Biba and Don Boesch how the public can become more involved.

Frank Biba, Chief of Environmental Programs,
City of Annapolis, Maryland

Prof. Donald Boesch, Department of Marine Science;
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Prof. Dan Nataf, Political Science Department;
Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues,
Anne Arundel Community College

Sea Level Rise Viewer

Explaining the Future Coast Sea Level Rise Viewer

Brian Batten answers questions about the Future Coast sea-level rise viewer with moderator Howard Ernst. Is the economic data on damages adjusted for inflation? Is the map available for areas other than Anne Arundel County? What does it mean when the viewer says that 3% of the county will be impacted by sea-level rise?

Brian Batten, PhD, Senior Coastal Scientist, Dewberry

Prof. Howard Ernst, Political Science Department,
U.S. Naval Academy

Discrepancies Between Personal Observations and Viewer

Brian Batten answers why there may be flooding in areas that the viewer does not show as being within a floodplain.

Brian Batten, PhD, Senior Coastal Scientist, Dewberry